
Maaan, I didn’t even make the finalists’ cut for the 2013, San Diego Latino Film Festival Poster Contest! Devistating… I thought I would have, definitely. I took their advice & created that beautiful tableau!!! 2nd year in a row, struck down! I don’t know what they want. They say not to create stereotypical Latino imagery & not to ostracize different countries, but that’s pretty much most of the finalists’ art. Argh, for First place eludes me again!… forget first place, the finalists cut eludes me again! Nooo, I’m not bitter 😉
Anyway, I’ve been practicing my doodles. Growing up, most of what I’ve doodled were people. Yes, comic book, superhero characters. But, alas! I’m branching out, if you will, to a more, simple, design oriented doodle. Here are a couple I’ve drawn in pen. The second one is waaay blown up. Hmm, probably unnecessarily so… Could be part of a tattoo design perhaps. They kinda remind me of a birds-eye-view of a forest… or not.