Behold! Thy Texas Longhorn!

Yyyesss! Check out my Texas Longhorn. No, I’m not a fan of the Texas Longhorns, I just like this cardboard, taxidermy… adornment! Thanks to, you too can own something like this. I took it upon myself to paint a couple coats of gesso primer, on both sides. Spray paint a couple coats with “lime green,” both sides. Then paint a couple coats of high-gloss varnish… yes, on both sides. What a pain in the ass… the ass people!
So almost the backside to every piece is ripped up, because I set the individual pieces down on newspaper & other cardboard, while drying the glossy varnish. Guess what, they stuck to said newspaper & other cardboard… thereby ripping, while trying to peel them off those surfaces!!! Crazy stuff. Not to mention waiting on the drying time between each coat, from the gesso, to the spray paint, to the varnish stage. Days go by.
Oh yes, & spray paint outside!… where it’s well ventilated!!! Not at work, in the room adjacent to the office. Oh the fuuumes, they’ll make you swoon! I thought my troubles were over after all was said & dried, until I tried assembling the cardboard together… The varnish made the cardboard even more rigid & stiff, practically unbendable, unadaptable… unpliable, if you will. I broke a sweat & had to wear gloves to force the cardboard pieces to slide together all the way through. It took me a good… two hours at least, before I had what you see before you. It didn’t help that the directions were an oversimplification of these diagram-type drawings. Oh… I ended up with a lot of extra circle cardboard things that go in the middle of the bullhorns. I guess they’re just spares… in case just that area of the bullhead falls apart & rolls away & gets lost, I’ll have extra circle things.
So this thing hangs above me bed. Bad news, I came home from work & it had fallen. The bottom dented up, but from this picture you can’t really tell. I guess it gives it character, hu? It kinda looks like he’s wearing sunglasses a little, no? If I buy another one, I think I’ll just piece it together, hang it up & call it a day.