SDLFF 2012 Poster Contest

My poster contest entry for the film festival in March, 2012. I’ll find out in mid January how I did. For this piece, I wanted to draw in the viewers eye, gaining their interest with visual impact. So I took already familiar Latin imagery and aimed to create a more contemporary, graphic, bold statement through color and texture. The background was inspired by the imagery of the shawl of The Virgin of Guadelupe. The sugar, or candy skull has stylized film reels for eyes, and the skull itself is surrounded by a Rosary. I wanted to use text that was simple, yet bold. The “Men In Black” type of font I thought complimented the skull imagery well, as did the tattoo font. I crumpled up three different pieces of paper for texture. The color scheme I obtained from a throw pillow. This was all originally a thumbnail drawing on a piece of scratch paper. I know there’s a lot of poster entries utilizing a sugar skull and film reels. This poster however, is well balanced, unique, highly stylized, and graphic. Hopefully I’ll win! 🙂
One Reply to “SDLFF 2012 Poster Contest”
Love this!